
Abductee and Contactee Blog

Names have been changed and any identifying information has been altered. My goal is to give a voice to the individuals who have shared their stories so that they can gain valuable insight into why they were taken, and what the Zeta agenda is for this one "faction" of Greys, as they put it.

Abductions Outside MENA

"Canadian" is now 53 and experienced "swirling lights and two ships that shot red light to each other" with his wife. He is very confused about how long he and his wife were outside, or when they actually had returned back inside.
He says 10 minutes, but then can't remember (see notes in red), and there appears to be at least a two-hour gap of confusion, if not more. This was 4 years ago and he has been plagued by continuous headaches (from his implant that he didn't know was there- until today.)

Canadian: I used to love looking from my window and see on a clear nights stars and asked who is out there.


just falling stars.

I seen a star ship too.
Way up in Maine,

where I was in my father's house. 
Me: Ah, you are on East coast side
Canadian:one (in front of me) and 2 behind (me).

The middle one was communicating with the other two with red light blue and white.
It would flash a red beam to the other two (three ships total)
Me: Pleiadians?

Canadian: well that (could be) the case. Then it be there, (we) were on a July night, the 4th at 9pm.

Way in the sky, just you could see it it enough, to know it was not here
Me: Could you back up a bit? I did not get the part about your background

Canadian:I am American.
Me: And what languages do you speak?

Canadian: English.

I help people speak English to practice on skype.
Me: Your grammar looks a bit shakespearian in spots. I see this with second language speakers

Canadian: Just learning Canadian French, off hand. My sec wife is French Canadian.
Me: Ah, your grammar looked French in spots.

Canadian: Well, am losing my English. They speak French here.
Me: I see. I understand

Canadian: I have a headache too.

I have them off and on. I take meds for them.
Me: I see
Maybe an implant. They do that (cause headaches).
How close did the lights get to you?

Canadian: I never got abducted what I know of.
Me: You would not remember it.
They block that part.
But you would remember the lights as they leave...

Canadian: The craft I seen. In val court, it  was close. I flicked my light on it. When my wife was with me.
 Back 4 yrs ago.
Me: Does she have headaches too, or nose bleeds?
Did it start then?

Canadian: I could see it. looked like a probe.

From Durham south, in a place before you go to my wife parents place.
Me: What time was it?

Canadian: Well the house was very warm. We decided to go out.  The craft was there.


It was 6pm when we were out. (6 pm in March, dark outside) (Note he changes the time to 4:00 later)
Me: Yes, lol. A night to remember...

Canadian: When I saw that it was a little way up in the sky.
Me: And you saw it then? Was it dark?

Canadian: Then when I flashed my light on it, it descended down.
 Yes it was dark .
My wife said (it was the month of) March
Me: Oh yes, then it came to you.

Canadian: Yes It did.  My wife, we decide to go back in the house after I flashed my light.
Me: Any missing time then?

Canadian: What a un-earthly feeling I got from that.

I don`t think too much (time was missing) because I think we were only there to see this... could be 10 minutes.
Me: Tiredness, headache, sickness after that day?
Canadian:You would not know how long it takes...(it took) that is the problem...

Me: No headaches before this time frame?

Canadian: Just we went out of here around 4pm.
Me: Nose bleeds in either of you?

Canadian: It was around 7:00. I think not six
Me: From 4 pm to 6 pm is 2 hours
Canadian: It seems like I looked wrong (time confusion)

Me: Yes
That is 2 hours right there

Canadian: yes
Me: (after he changes time to go from 4 PM to 7 PM) OK, then that is 3 hours

Canadian: It was there still at 10pm (object there from 4 pm to 10 pm with possible 2-3 hours of missing time)

Canadian: We sleep down in the seller.
Me: So you have about 3 hours right there. 
Canadian: Yes, it can be confusing.

Canadian: And I looked up again where the bathroom is.  It was way in the sky.  Still lights twirling.
Me: And most people who come back go straight to bed. They feel very tired.

Canadian: This did twirl. When I saw it and flashed the light in the sky.

Canadian: If that was the case it would be (that we would have gone straight to sleep)

but my wife was afraid we would be abducted.

thats why

I guess being scared changes the whole chemistry.
Me: You probably were, they just block the memory of it, and you see the ship leave...
Canadian: Yes.

Well I had always thought that too.
Me: That is why they block it from memory, but you obviously remember it now.

Canadian: I know my wife's friend, back ago, when she was 16, saw a mothership.
 And she was abducted.
Me: I cant tell if they were checking on you or they did the implant then.

Canadian: She told that to my wife (back then).

Well we just wanted to go in.
 Afraid of that.
Me: They usually start much earlier, like age 5.
Later when they come, it is often to check in and see if you are healthy.
But when you started to get the headaches is telling...
Canadian: My daughter was very smart in school, as I was told.
Me: So those (I see in his picture of family)  are children from first wife?  

Canadian: There are ppl like us they blend in (Altered, abducted).

Me: Yes.
You have to change it (our culture) from the inside out.
Canadian: Wow how that come to be.